Around the globe, there are as many holidays as there are days in the year - more, in fact. This can be a good thing for the many people who like a good holiday celebration more than just about anything. A special day becomes even more festive when revelers choose to do their holiday celebrating on the road, so to speak. To add a bit of dazzle to the date, they book a place to stay in an exotic destination (a villa rental Puerto Vallarta, for example), and set off for a special adventure.
Back to the Sea in November
The month of November is filled with holidays around the globe, and Mexico is no exception. You don't have to get too far into the month to find cause for celebration; locals celebrate Todos Santos (All Souls Day) on November 1 and 2. That is followed by the Fine Arts Festival, the Mexican Boat Show, the Fiesta del Mar, and the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. Whether you're celebrating one of these tradition-bound holidays or something as simple as "National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day" (no joke - in the US, it's November 12), you can add some sunshine to the occasion in Puerto Vallarta.
November brings a very different and special cause for celebration in and around Puerto Vallarta. Starting in the early days of the month, sea turtle hatchlings begin to leave their nests and make their way back to the sea. While it sounds like a simple thing, and perhaps not terribly momentous, this process really does deserve a big celebration, for it is made possible thanks to the efforts of humans who take special care to ensure that the sea turtle eggs have a chance to hatch.
Sea Turtle Liberation
In June, sea turtles begin to land on the beaches of Banderas Bay to breed and lay their eggs. Hundreds of joyful tourists playing in the sand, however, pose a serious threat to the successful outcome of that process. In recent years, operators of local beach front properties have begun a program to move the sea turtle nests - sand, eggs and all - out of harm's way, giving the eggs a fighting chance. By November, the young start to bust out of their eggs to become the stars of local "Turtle Liberation" ceremonies.
Some naturalists suggest that the sea turtle preservation program around Puerto Vallarta has increased the hatch rate from 40 percent to over 90 percent. If you're staying in a villa Puerto Vallarta during the month of November, consider joining in this special celebration of life. Of course, you might want to catch the festivities that surround Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the Fiesta del Mar, and the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, as well.